
What does sync pending on photos mena
What does sync pending on photos mena

what does sync pending on photos mena

Layout of the content fragment Properties is broken as Basic and Advance tabs have no margins to the left (SITES-4484).The following is the list of fixes provided in Experience Manager release. The built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) still remains at 1.22.9. Offer request is now provided for Delete offer (Experience Fragment API) in IMS (NPR-37668). Support for IMS-based authentication is provided for Analytics 2.0 APIs (CQ-4285474, NPR-37803, NPR-37701, NPR-37702, NPR-37703).ĪPI support for JSON offer type experience fragment (NPR-37796). The status of in-progress async operations is now shown in the user interface to help prevent users from accidentally triggering multiple async operations on the same path (NPR-37611).

what does sync pending on photos mena

Push-rollouts of a live copy source to multiple live copies is now possible by default, without requiring a blueprint configuration (CQ-4259951). The updates, with some delay, are available automatically on the Sites deployment (NPR-37816). You can now perform the update, delete, rename, and move operations on the remote DAM assets or folders. The key features and enhancements introduced in Adobe Experience Manager are:Īfter configuring a connection between remote DAM and Sites deployments, the assets on remote DAM are made available on the Sites deployment. The service pack is installed on Adobe Experience Manager 6.5. What is included in Adobe Experience ManagerĪdobe Experience Manager includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, and performance, stability, and security improvements, that are released since the availability of 6.5 release in April 2019. Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Latest Service Pack Release Notes Release information Products

What does sync pending on photos mena